June 8, 2021
Cara Cronin Spotlighted in New York Real Estate Journal’s “Women in Professional Services”

What steps have you taken to ensure the continued success of your firm?
Communication is always important, but now, more than ever, it is critical to innovate and find ways to connect. Since face-to-face communication is restricted by either a mask or not at all, the use of Zoom and other videoconference platforms has become more regular. Emails remain a primary source and are helpful, but we’ve found that nothing replaces picking up the phone and hearing from our clients. Many clients are impacted by Covid-19 in a variety of ways that will benefit their property tax grievance, so speaking to them allows us to obtain a full picture of what they are experiencing and strategize as to how we can best apply that information to reduce their property tax burden.
Why should women consider a career in commercial real estate and related services?
In my experience, women in this industry truly support other women. I am lucky enough to have amazing colleagues from whom I learn so much. There is a camaraderie amongst working women that I have found incredibly beneficial from both a personal and professional perspective.