July 12, 2017
Sean Cronin Moderates LIREG New Gen Panel for KABR

Pictured above are members of LIREG’s New Gen committee flanking Altman (fifth from left with glasses) are: Munesh Verma, managing director-commercial banking at Sterling National Bank; Robert Gitto, principal of the Gitto Group; Seth Marin, partner at Friedman LLP; Christopher Gorman, a partner at Abrams, Fensterman, Fensterman, Eisman, Formato, Ferrara & Wolf, LLP;, Daniel Mermel, owner of Sivan Properties; Sean Cronin, a partner at the Cronin & Cronin Law Firm PLLC; Lee Passavia, founder and principal of Domus Group; Mark Kaplan, principal and COO at Ripco Real Estate Corp.; and Bram Weber, a partner in Weber Law Group LLP.
Altman of KABR addresses LIREG New Gen members a May 10th meeting at Woodbury Golf Club
Woodbury, NY Members of the Long Island Real Estate Group’s (LIREG) New Gen subgroup heard Adam Altman, a principal of the KABR, a vertically integrated private equity real estate firm, espouse on his firm’s activities at a May 10th meeting at the Woodbury Country Club.
LIREG’s next event is their Annual Golf & Tennis Outing, to be held at Glen Head Country Club, 240 Glen Cove Rd., Glen Cove. Visit: https://lireg.org/ for more information.
LIREG is an organization of real estate developers, owners and allied trades who have come together to raise funds for the development of charitable real estate projects on Long Island.
LIREG endeavors to provide a strong platform for networking among real estate developers, owners and allied trades. LIREG will provide a tangible way for real estate professionals to give back to the communities that have been a source of their success.
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